A couple of my blogger buddies had been inspired to reveal
their beginnings, which I always find to be interesting. I am not a grognard, I
played once in the 70’s and hated it. I didn’t play officially until 1993. When
I was a teen, I had enough social problems to deal with without tacking on
Dungeons & Dragons.
I’m a country kid, I mean to say that I grew up in the city
of Council Bluffs Iowa, but in the early 80’s my folks were able to save up
enough money to move out onto a rural route, I spent most of my formative years
out there, but until that time I lived across the street from my cousin, who
was like a big brother to me. I have been lucky to always live next to woods,
and I spent a lot of time out there. Our parents typically kicked us out
of the house, and we’d run around the woods until we got hungry.
We had toys, but if you take toys out into the woods, you
usually won’t get them back, so we’d play pretend! Star Wars, Robin Hood, super
heroes, this became our favorite game. We especially loved finding branches
which we’d clean off and have sword fights, or staff battles. We fancied
ourselves to be quite good at our sword fighting!

We did other stuff too, this was before central air
conditioning was all that available, so the theatre downtown would host a
children’s matinee, offering free pop and popcorn while they played those
classic sci-fi, adventure, and monster movies from the 50’s and 60’s to get us
out of the heat for a little bit, and we loved them! Those pulpy things were
expertly written to attract susceptible young minds in the perfect way! Once
the movie was over, we’d go back out in the woods and talk about what we’d
seen, and sometimes we’d even pretend to be those characters! Especially with
the monster movies, what kid didn’t love them? We’d all be the heroes and invisible
monsters would chase us all around! There would be casualties here and there,
but after a dramatic and heart-wrenching death scene, you’d be right back into
the game. Rules? Who needs rules? Sometimes the game required you to stay dead,
but the best one’s never did.
There weren’t hundreds of channels to choose from, if a
buddy had cable television then he was popular! But, for the most part,
everybody watched the same stuff. V, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, and
lets not forget the reruns of Batman & Robin, Twilight Zone, Star Trek, and Lost in Space!
Cartoons only ran on Saturday mornings; most of them were terrible, but there
were some shows that were popular, Superfriends, Scooby Doo, Land of the Lost,
and such, but our favorite was Dungeons & Dragons! Everybody in my
neighborhood watched these programs, and we talked about them! We tried to play
D&D, but we weren’t ready for the strict rules, and my cousin was bossy
enough without me having to call him Dungeon Master!
That period of time also had MUST SEE movies. Again, this
was a shared experience. Everybody went to the theatre, mom and dad needed to
get out of the heat too, and there was no VCRs in our part of town, so you
either watched it at the movies, or you had some friend tell you every last
detail of it. Well, there was MAD Magazine that helped out too, but the big
movies, everybody saw. Besides Star Wars, which is a given, there was Flash
Gordon, Clash of the Titans, Dragonslayer, and Excalibur. HBO even did a
special deal for kids at the time with Excalibur, were they edited out all of
the naughty bits. I remember our whole family getting together for this, all of
my mom’s brothers and her sister, and all of us kids. We filled up our tiny
little living room and watched it, it was a big deal!

Reading was a kin to some mysterious art, once our teacher
started to let us into that secret world, I took right too it. I eagerly wanted
to learn! My mother was a big fan of true ghost stories, monsters, and ancient
secrets, but she wouldn’t read these to me. I was stuck with Sesame Street
books and all of that kids crap because she said that those books were too
scary, so I had to learn to read! And she was right. Those books were really
I always loved reading after that; my favorite books were
those “Choose Your Own Adventure” books! Again, this was a shared experience,
once the library got a new one, there was a LONG waiting list to get your hands
on a copy. The neighborhood I lived in was really poor, but we had the RIF
Program which I was always thankful for and still support. Once a year they
would come to our school and fill up the gym with tables and tables of books
and you could choose one to have, and we always went after the “Choose Your Own
Adventure” titles! I loved my mom’s
scary books too, but I had to sneak a lot of them, much like I had to sneak up
late at night to watch Creature Feature with Dr. Sanguinary, so horror stuff
was kind of like being naughty! I became a story teller from them; my friend’s
parents didn’t like them watching that kind of stuff either, so I would tell
them all about this secret world and they’d just eat it up!

Once we moved out into the country, my social influences
stopped. I love the country! That is where I spent the majority of my youth,
and it was a tradeoff. Yes, I was extremely isolated, all social influences
outside of my relatives stopped, but I would spend most of my time not spent
doing chores out in the woods which were even bigger than my old stomping
ground in Council Bluffs, out there I found discovery. I love the outdoors; I
had a creek and miles of wilderness to play in. My yard was huge! I played
alone most of the time, which really builds up the imagination. I had a couple
of friends out there, but none of them were all that interested in fantasy
stuff. I suppose that the other kids thought that I was into what they saw as “kids’
stuff” but I really enjoyed it, and I still do!
It was out in the country where I started playing video
games, and I loved games like Haunted House, and Adventure! My cousins and I
would create a makeshift space ship and play Star Raiders. ATARI games were
great, they still required that element of imagination, but you could also
actually role play while you were playing them! ATARI games still fascinate me,
they could do so much with so little it just boggles the mind! This post uses
up more disk space then what they had. Many of the games were really well
designed, and better thought out that the stuff that one plays today. The
Nintendo was another love affair with me, particularly Legend of Zelda. I
really sucked at video games, but I could play me some Zelda, now! What
Nintendo lacked in the imagination and role playing department, it made up for
in size. Legend of Zelda was a HUGE game, and it rewarded you for exploring.
Exploration games: that is what I loved more than anything, but Zelda also
offered a challenge, and you couldn’t play it by yourself. While others thought
that I enjoyed kids’ stuff, Nintendo wasn’t kids’ stuff. I found lots of
secrets but Zelda brought kids together because everybody would find different
things. It took a long time to first beat the game. Years later, when I cracked
the game I found stuff in there that I had never seen before! It was really a
magnificent program and one that I still enjoy playing.

Living in the country, I would read a lot. I didn’t fit in
anymore, at school I was a poor country kid who the other country kids couldn’t
stand because I talked nonsense to them, so I stayed by myself and I’d read. I
discovered the occult and ate it up! Archeology and history was a love of mine,
but it was scattered. I had no sense of direction; I just absorbed what I
could. I learned way more outside of school than I ever learned in it. I didn’t
find like-minded friends until after I graduated, and it was them that got me
into D&D.
It wasn’t really all of these things that inspired me, it
was my cousin who was my first best friend and brother, it was my uncles who
ate that stuff up! It was my mother whose love of things that go bump in the
night possessed me. And it was my father, whose love of Westerns and rural
history is firmly embedded into my very being as well. It was the woods,
infested with monsters and filled with discovery! These things made me what I
am. Imagination is such an important part of my growing up, and I kind of feel
that the kids of today may have been given the short end of the stick. My
favorite toy was a stick! In my hands it was always more than just a simple
stick, it was a thing of almost endless possibilities.