I've never been all that happy with the
wizard class, specifically in regards to Weapon Proficiency. At
Level 20 they have Four slots.
This is fine! This isn't my problem, the problem is that the 2nd
Edition AD&D Players Handbook picks these weapons for you.
It adds that the weapons that require
no training can be used, this would imply that nobody needs to be
proficient in them, but whatever. The deal is that, for me
personally, most of these five items are not things that I mentally
associate with wizards.
Dagger, and staff: Okay, I can see
that. But, where did all of that other stuff come from? The answer
probably goes back to OD&D, a wizard's weapon does 1d4. I can get behind
this! Regardless of what a wizard chooses, mixed with his god-awful
THAC0, if a mage is proficient in a sword of some kind, it still does
I know that in my own games, we
identify staff as a quarterstaff and give it the damage of 1d6. Dudes
like Little John were specialized in the quarterstaff and could dish
out serious damage, while a wizard probably just dorks the other guy.
The 1d4 rule makes more sense; Playing a wizard, I would except that
I don't know about you, but when I
think of a wizard I don't see him attacking with a dagger or swinging
a staff around. In my mind's eye it is always a wand. That is what I
see! Now I'll admit that I have never read the
Vance series of bookswhich the AD&D system is based on. I will also admit that the
biggest inspiration to what I know about fantasy wizards was gleamed
by collecting stickers in the 80's (
it was a thing), and ain't no
rainbow summoning wizard walking around carrying a dart. That said,
would it break the game to give the wizard a wand? Now, I'm not
talking about those weird wands of power found in the Dungeon
Master's Guide, I'm thinking just a basic everyday wand that a wizard
can use in melee.

Let's stat it out:
Item: Magic Wand
Cost: 10gp
Weight: 0 lbs.
Size: S
Type: P
Speed Factor: 2
Damage: S-M 1d4, L 1d3
It acts like a missile weapon.
ROF: 1
Short Range: 5 feet
Medium: 10 feet
Long: 15 feet
If you want, you can even have it
augment spells, but you don't have to. Naturally, this could open up
a new can of worms if you let it, and it might be interesting! But,
you don't have to. You can just judge that it is a melee weapon, and
that is all. A quick burst of magic that is regulated by the users
crummy THAC0.
Alternatively you can rule that a basic
magic staff can be constructed at 10th level which has a
longer range (10/20/30) and is required to augment spells of 5th
level and beyond.
Augmenting Spells shouldn't be overly
powerful, maybe just reducing the casting time of spells with
Somatic, or verbal/Somatic components only by 1. Or keeping the
Somatic based spells as is but doubling the casting time if the
caster doesn't have a wand.
Spells can also be developed
specifically for wands. Now keep in mind that I suck at writing
spells, if you can improve the wording do it. This stuff isn't
play-tested either, but I really can't see how this can break the
CREATE WAND (Alteration)
Spell Level: 2nd
Range: Touch
Components: V, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3 days
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell can merge a magical
component into a stick cut from a hardwood tree specifically for this
purpose. The magical component can be collected from a magical and
rare plant, and ground Ornamental stone of at least 10gp value. The
magical component, over the course of three days which include
regular breaks for eating, and resting, is verbally coaxed inside of
the wand forming its core.
Once completed, a magic word is chosen
to activate its basic power, as well as a specific flick which will
cause a quick burst of magic which can be aimed at a specific target
with a normal attack roll which inflicts 1-4 hp of damage. The target
does not receive a saving throw, however magic resistance of any kind
will always be immune to this attack.
WARNING: Augmenting spells which
require the material components of stones, jewels, and/or gems which
are consumed during casting tend to destroy the stones inside of the
wand as well, rendering it useless forever more.
Spell Level: 4th
Range: Touch
Components: V, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3 days
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell can merge a magical
component into a stick cut from a hardwood tree specifically for this
purpose. The magical component can be collected from a creature of
mystical origin (Phoenix Feather, Unicorn Hair, Ground Dragon Claw
etc.) given to the caster by the creature in freewill. The magical
component, over the course of three days which include regular breaks
for eating, and resting, is verbally coaxed inside of the wand
forming its core.
Once completed, a magic word is chosen
to activate its basic power, as well as a specific flick which will
cause a quick burst of magic that can be aimed at a specific target
with a normal attack roll which inflicts 2-5 hp of damage. The target
does not receive a saving throw, though Magic Resistance will
function as normal.
A wand constructed of a creature which
has the same alignment as the caster, will act as a wand+1, +3
against targets which are natural enemies of the creature regardless
of magic resistance. A target of the same alignment as the creature
may not be effected at all.
The only problem that I really see with
this is the lack of expendables. I tend to just charge a monthly
living fee to players, having a wand puts them in at least the
Middle-High Living Class, if they drop below Middle Class the wand
can become damaged and break on the roll of a 1.
A wand can also break if it becomes
subjected to a Saving Throw, if this is the case it falls under Wood,
thin on the Item Saving Throws table.
A wand is also ruined if it is subject
to Dispel Magic.
A wand cannot be used if the caster is
unable to speak, flick their wand, or if magic doesn't function in
that area. Areas of wild magic can also cause some weird things to
Wand attacks work exactly the same as
missiles, targets gain bonuses for taking cover, and if the armor vs
weapon type is used, damaged is halved. It is also dangerous to fire
a wand into a melee, see the rules for how to run it.
A basic wand may be commercially
available or the player had to buy one from his instructor.
A captured or found wand must be
attuned to the finder. The captured or found wand functions normally
until either a natural 20 or a 1 is rolled. 20 indicates that the
wand is attuned to the user, if it was captured the wand now belongs
to the new owner. If a 1 is rolled before a natural 20, the wand
rejects the new owner and no longer functions, if not, in the case of
an improved wand, outright cursing them. Of course attuning oneself
to a found or captured wand can be done through practice, the player
just keeps rolling until a 20 or a 1 is rolled. Alternatively, an
improved wand can be a bit more difficult, a limited amount of time
(maybe 10 tries) can be attempted against a specific target,
(INANIMATE OBJECT= AC 10?) failure to hit within that window results
in the wand ignoring you.
A cursed wand always rebounds on the
user with the roll of a 1. Always strikes a random person on a
successful hit, and only hits the specific target if a 20 is rolled.
The user of a cursed wand refuses to see that it is a problem until
the curse is broken.
Finavryn brought up a similar idea on the
OD&D Discussion Forum, writing a cantrip spell he calls ZAP, which can be found